Find the Perfect Thermostat for your Home
The Best Thermostats - Reviews and Advice
Providing you with the information, guides, and tips to help you choose the right thermostat for your needs.
Programmable Thermostat Advice
Non-Programmable Thermostats: The Pros and Cons
Table of Contents Introduction In this blog post, we’ll discuss the advantages
Programmable vs Non Programmable Thermostat which is right for me?
Maximize Savings & Comfort: Figure Out If a Programmable or Non-Programmable Thermostat Is Best for You
What is a thermostat c wire or common wire?
The c wire or common wire for your thermostat allows the thermostat to receive power from your furnace or air conditioner. This powers your thermostat, and is required for most wifi and smart thermostats.
Programmable Thermostat Reviews
Braeburn 7500 Wireless Thermostat Kit Review
Table of Contents Braeburn 7500 universal wireless thermostat kit Today, I’m reviewing
Sensi Smart Thermostat, Wi-Fi, UP500W Review
The Sensi Smart Thermostat is a product of Emerson, a well-established name
Lux Products TX9600TS Programmable Touch Screen Thermostat Review
The Lux TX9600TS is a basic thermostat that delivers excellent performance on the thing that matters most in modern digital thermostats – it turns your heating and cooling system, such as an HVAC, on and off at the right time and to the right temperature. Many people may find it too basic for their tech-savvy needs, but most of its buyers are highly satisfied with its overall performance. It’s no wonder that it still finds its way into many lists of the best smart thermostats!