The average American home uses more than twice the amount of energy that it did in 1960, and this is due to our homes becoming larger and having more appliances. Energy bills are an inevitable expense that we all must pay. However, the big question is, how can you cut down on the cost?
Switching your supplier might be one way, but there’s more to it than just finding cheaper electricity rates because not everyone knows what they’re looking for in terms of energy efficiency when shopping around!
The fact is, an energy-efficient home can save you money on utility bills, reduce environmental impact and give you a sense of satisfaction that you’re playing your part in an ever-changing ecosystem.
What Is Energy Conservation?
Energy conservation is the practice of using less energy in order to lower costs and reduce environmental impact. This can mean switching out old appliances for newer models or installing solar panels on your roof! With finite resources available, actively conserving energy when possible makes individuals more Self-Sufficient while also helping our larger Systems stay healthy.
There’s a lot to think about when it comes to energy conservation. You can do your part by using less of what we have an infinite supply on Earth, but there are also ways that everyone else could help out as well! In order for us all—individuals and society-wide–to be sustainable together into the future, everyone needs to play their role by being more conscious consumers.
Top 10 Energy Efficiency Tips for the Home
The best part is, implementing one or two of these ideas will increase how long it takes for your air conditioner or heater to come on and save you money over time!
1. Insulate
Wall insulation is an excellent way to save on your home’s heating bills. If you have any loft or cavity wall insulation installed, it could reduce energy costs by $200 per year! If you don’t have any loft insulation, installing it could cut down the most expensive expenses! Installing cavity wall insulation can save you money on your heating bills and even more in areas where there is no loft space at all!
2. Use Energy Saving Light Bulbs
One of the most common household expenses is electricity. Replacing just one old light bulb with an energy-saving, long-lasting, and cost-effective one can cut your lighting costs by up to $70 over its lifetime; plus, they last 12 times longer than normal lights!
3. Replace Your Old Boiler
The government spends trillions of dollars on energy bills every year. It’s essential to keep your home as comfortable and efficient as possible, so why not invest in an A-rated condensing boiler? You could save up to $410 a year just by upgrading!
4. Turn Down the Thermostat
A little-known fact about the BBA is that it can cut your heating bills by up to 10 percent. Suppose you install certain controllable ones, such as thermostats for central heating or hot water tanks with built-in temperature regulators and sensors. In such a scenario, you can save an additional $114 every year!
If not already installed, thermostats can cost less than $100 for installation and might also help with hot water tanks, which will reduce their price too – this is an excellent way of protecting yourself against high costs at the end of the winter season. The benefits don’t stop there either; better insulation means lower cooling, so if there’s any chance left after taking measures like these, then go ahead because every penny counts when trying to stay warm during cold months.
5. Don’t Leave Appliances on Standby
US households spend an average of $50 leaving appliances on standby, so make sure to switch yours off at the plug. Research has also shown that this can save you as much as 80 cents per day!
6. Fix Dripping Taps
The average household wastes 15 gallons of hot water every day due to leaks and inefficient fixtures, so make sure you’re not one-upping yourself by letting a faucet leak all over your floor!
A dripping tap can waste enough natural resource juice in just seven days for about six cups worth that’s the equivalent use when using an entire half bathtub per week. Fixing these leaking fixtures will help save both time and money from wasted resources such as gas or electricity that goes toward cold heating streams.
7. Draught Proof Your Home
The insulation jacket is an excellent investment for anyone who lives in an apartment or condo. If you live alone, your heating costs might be as high as $150-$200 per month! The price of this item will only set back about 10% of that amount, which means they’ve covered up to 60% after one year.
8. Install Energy Efficient Windows
Windows are a significant source of energy waste – they can add up to 10-25% of your total heating bill. To prevent heat loss through windows, you should replace single pane with double pane products instead! Gas-filled screens will reduce unnecessary costs by as much as 30%. Interior or exterior storm sills also help save on wasted resources in regions that experience frequent extreme weather events like rainstorms and snowfall days. Places where temperatures sometimes plummet below zero Fahrenheit degrees Fahrenheit (-18 Celsius).
ENERGY STAR certified products can also help you save money. For example: Installing an Energy Saving Asynchronous Motors (ASMO) fan requires 80% less electricity than traditional counterparts while delivering comparable ventilation rates – perfect for those who want lower utility bills without compromising comfort levels.
9. Use an Electricity Monitor
One of the best ways to become more efficient with energy use is by monitoring your electricity consumption. You can get an electric meter for around $35, which will show you how much power each appliance uses in real-time and make it easier for you to take action towards saving money on bills.
It’s a great option for those who want to be more aware of their energy consumption. These monitors show you how much power has been used in real-time, and this can help make decisions about the amount that needs changing around at home or work!
10. Weatherize Your Home
Weatherizing or sealing air leaks around your home is a great way to reduce heating and cooling expenses. The most common sources of these pesky little nuisances are vents, windows & doors! Weatherstripping can help keep out cold drafts at exterior entry points into the house (exterior doors), where they might cause frostbite if open all night long during winter months.
You may think that air leaks are only a problem for the home’s interior, but you would be mistaken. Air leaking out of your house can come from anywhere: through small holes in walls and ceilings or even plumbing ducts and electrical wiring.
This type of leak affects more than just heating bills as hot air will rise into an attic where it is less dense – meaning there’s less protection against cold weather conditions below! If these spaces aren’t insulated properly with good insulation techniques such as spray foam insul shield, heat escaping up through them could make some areas colder during winter months when we need warmth most.
Why Conserve Energy?
Energy conservation is important and beneficial for many reasons. You can save money, increase your property value, protect the environment with simple measures that reduce energy consumption in our everyday lives. You will gain these great benefits from living an environmentally sound lifestyle without compromising comfort or safety on cost! By simply taking one small step towards being more eco-friendly today.
If you’re looking for ways to make your home more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly, the above easy tips will help save you money on utility bills. Implementing just one or two of these ideas will not only increase how long it takes for your air conditioner or heater to come on but will also save you money over time! What are some ways that you can make your home more energy efficient? Let us know in the comments. We’re happy to help provide any insight and answer questions about making an energy-efficient house a reality.
Note: This is a repost and credit given to the authors and editors at, Check their website out they have plenty of energy saving tips and tricks as well as how to make the home heat up efficiently.